"Vi ses när vi ses" (Well we will see each other around). If you do not find Cassandra at Hey Estrid's office you will perhaps find her at a café writing for HOBNOB Magazine, or at her grandmas place visiting her when she is knitting for the brand Annelise. Who knows, sooner or later you might see her drinking wine somewhere at a street in Italy. However, what you know is that you this time have found her in hOurs Magazine.
— One day is never like the other and that’s a perfect match for me .

Age: 21 years
Jobtitle: Blade Runner @ Estrid and a little bit of everything over at by.annelise
Personal title: A hot mess

From Ig @cassierasmussen "sunday"
What will last forever in your fridge and what did you eat directly when you bought it?
I’d say it’s the Kefir, at the moment I'm kind of obsessed with that together with müsli and banana. Nothing ever gets too old because I have waaay too little in my fridge for it to actually get old. Let’s just say my cooking skills aren’t the best (new year's resolution for 2021: learn how to cook other stuff than noodles and oatmeal????)

From Ig @cassierasmussen "Breakfast a la @hobnobjournal"
"New year's resolution for 2021: learn how to cook other stuff than noodles and oatmeal????"
The clock is counting down and you are on your way to a dinner, which garment in your wardrobe do you choose to wear for the evening?
A white puffy meringue dream I received during my time as an intern at Stine Goya. I’ll keep it close to me all seasons and years to come. Yes, I love wearing dresses all year. What about it??
You will get the possibility to name the last year to something special, what will the name be?
The year of strain and strength. In short, it's been a year where I’ve got to learn that I will get back up again even though it feels like everything is crumbling around me.

From Ig @cassierasmussen "🍦"
If you have to tattoo a sentance on your body, what will it say?
It would say “vi ses när vi ses”, and stands for a saying my uncle used to say. Don’t know if I’d do it in Swedish or Persian though.
You are wakeing up on a place you have to spend the rest of your life at, where is that place?
That depends, will my friends and family live close to me? If so, in a house in an Italian wine district I think. Otherwise, I’d stay in Stockholm.

From Ig @cassierasmussen "Reunited 🖤"
(for you who did not get it, now it is time for the real-deal questions)
What did you do just before you sat down to answer this questions?
Me and a friend of mine had a discussion about how different people shape your life, and how easily you can fall into old patterns with people from your past.

From Ig @cassierasmussen "Me with my imaginary Bottega Veneta bag (aka apples from the flea market) 👝"
Tell us about the process that took you there you are today...
Through resilience and being determined. My mantra has always been learning by doing. In other words, I haven’t studied at the university... yet? I think it’s natural to me to have a lot of different projects around me as a trillion things lie close to my heart, and working with them is where my source of creativity, inspiration and strength stems from. Also, I get bored quite easily. I can't see myself do anything differently at the moment.
" My mantra has always been learning by doing. In other words, I haven’t studied at the university... yet?"

From Ig @by.annelise "A little preview of what’s coming our way 💛"
For example you are the owner of the brand Annelise, which is a company selling your own knitted thing. Why knitting especially and what does it mean to you?
My grandmother [Annelise] has gone through a lot over the past seven years. She has always loved to create and craft things - so that she turned to knitting and crocheting during one of her roughest times did not come as a surprise to me. Neither did the fact that I wanted to wear all the clothes she was creating, even if it started out with her doing different outfits for my old dolls. When I love someone I tend to push and motivate them to reach their full potential, so I guess that's what I did. I really do see incredible potential in my grandmother and what she can do. So, therefore I made her make me a top, which led to me introducing the idea to her. Then we sat down and started discussing how we could -and should- proceed. We always challenge and push each other to evolve and become the best version of ourselves we possibly can be. We want to create pieces to invest in, pieces to make last lifetimes - from another grandmother to granddaughter. So it means immensely much to me.

From Ig @cassierasmussen
"As most of you’ve seen by now I’ve been posting A LOT of @by.annelise lately. My grandma and I have always been incredibly close, she’s one of my absolute best friends. She took care of me when no one else would and has always went out of her way to create the best life possible for me.
Seven years ago she was diagnosed with cancer for the first time, it keeps spreading and has made her life a constant battle. The last surgery made her unable to go outside, til this day she’s trapped in her own home. In her own body. And here is where by.annelise plays a huge part.
"It started with her making me a top and ended up with @by.annelise. It’s her comeback power, a breath of fresh air and a promise that she’s not going to give up."
One of the few things cancer won’t ever be able to take away from her is her creativity. A couple of months ago, after buying a doll to make clothing for (yes, a doll) I asked why she never made clothes for others to wear (real people fyi). It started with her making me a top and ended up with @by.annelise 🖤 It’s her comeback power, a breath of fresh air and a promise that she’s not going to give up. She’s my inspiration and I’m so glad I get to share her amazing mind and creations with the rest of you.
The response has truly meant so much - both for her and me. So thank you, thank you for bringing a smile to her face. Thank you for making her happy in the midst of it all. It means the world to me."

From Ig @cassierasmussen "Coffee anyone?"
We also want to know about the work you do for the razorcompany HeyEstrid. How does it feel to be working for a company which has expanded that much over that short amount of time?
Beloved Estrid! Where to even begin? It’s been an incredible journey to grow together with this company and all the creative individuals who every single day makes Estrid what she is. I usually joke around that one week in regular life is an Estrid year. One day is never like the other and that’s a perfect match for me .

From Ig @cassierasmussen "📞 who’s calling?"
Which of all your projects are you the most proud of?
Oh, that’s a tough one. I guess the project that is me? I feel like the inner self is an ongoing project, always in process. If I can’t pick that as a project I guess I’d say working with my grandma, making her days more bearable. Lately it’s been put on pause though (but not for long), seeing the smile on her face when working with this makes me both thankful and proud.
"Working with my grandma (...) seeing the smile on her face when working makes me both thankful and proud."

From Ig @cassierasmussen "Don’t miss out on a conversation about the importance of recignition and inclusion in the fashion industry between my dear friend @monamali_ and @swedishfashionassociation 🖤 Today (Wednesday) at 16:00 CET"
What is the biggest taught you have received from your work?
Your creativity and competence isn't measured by age. Yes, new experiences will shape you, and make you develop and thrive. But that doesn’t mean you’re not capable as a young person. One does not have to exclude the other.
"Your creativity and competence isn't measured by age."

From Ig @cassierasmussen "🚶🏽♀️"
Tell the 20year old yourself a selfadvice:
It’s actually where I am today (ish), and something I’d like to tell myself is that I am enough. I am enough. I am enough.

From Ig @cassierasmussen "do you??"
Where are your in five years?
I see myself working with something I’m passionate about, that gives me both joy, inspiration and challenges. I’m feeling a little less lost, and have a sense of direction. I see myself living in an apartment with big windows and high ceilings. Maybe I’ll have a dog (no, I’ve not already decided that it will be a Lagotto named Milton). I have fulfilling, genuine, healthy relationships with the people around me. I guess that’s all in all.
"Maybe I’ll have a dog (no, I’ve not already decided that it will be a Lagotto named Milton)."
Last but not least, tell us three accounts on instagram which inspires you.
At the moment it is @hannamw, @the.holistic.psychologist and @sarahvanri

Hanna MW
Stylist, creative consultant

Dr. Nicole LePera

Sarah van Rij
Represented by @wefolkagency